London escorts [UK]: Escorts v. prostitutes. The British sex industry is not just one “thing”. It is made up of varying roles people do under the umbrella of a “sex-worker community”. The word “prostitute” is an overarching tag people give to anyone in the one-to-one sex game.
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Escorting and prostitution are two very different subdivisions within the sex industry. The roles of an escort and prostitute may appear to be the same, but they are not. There is a clear distinction between an escort and a prostitute in how they both work, what they offer and what clients are actually paying for.
Sex trafficking
Victims of sex trafficking are often referred to as prostitutes. This is quite wrong. Someone trafficked in this way does not fall legitimately under the title of “sex worker” because the sex is never consensual. It is the word “consensual” that is key here.
To appreciate the difference between escorting and prostitution, any pre-conceived ideas must be removed. The biggest difference between the services of an escort and those of a prostitute is that a client [or “punter” as they are kown] pays for a ladies time and companionship ONLY and never for sex, which may or may not occur during their encounter.
Escorts are not the same as prostitutes
Whether a girl chooses to work as an escort or prostitute, society will refer to both as prostitutes regardless. Yet these two types of sex work are completely different.
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When a girl works as an escort her client pays for her time and companionship only and anything else which may occur is purely a private matter between consenting adults
The client of an escort seeks her time and company, for a dinner date perhaps, or maybe a night out, or even a weekend away. Escorts are “independent” workers that will tailor the service provided to their clients’ needs – wearing appropriate clothing to fit the occasion for instance. The time and companionship when an escort is booked differ in expectation terms to that of paying a prostitute for sex. This is always the case regardless of whether consensual sex takes place or not.
Working as a prostitute means having sex in private with the client.
Punters want sex and that is the focus of the arrangement. The time spent with a client will have an expectation of sex. Less engagement is excepted unless requested. Street-based sex workers [prostitutes] and their clients have a stronger focus on expectations based on an hourly rate.
Sex fantasies
London Escorts: Meet a UK escort and fulfill your sex fantasies. GFE [girlfriend experience] for older guys with young ladies looking for sex from mature gentlemen. A key feature of every British escort directory is you can browse high-class escorts by location.
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Escorts, also known as sex workers or call girls will offer you erotic massage. But are they prostitutes?
Escort Directories are similar to classified ads websites. You will find luxury escorts, independent escorts, Adultwork escorts, TOP escorts, VIP escorts, GIRL escorts.
UK escorts satisfy the deepest and innermost desires of their clients. Escorts will give an intimate erotic massage guaranteed to relax her client.
High-class escort directories have listings for the most beautiful escorts in London and the UK. Girls who are naturally beautiful, intelligent, charming, and well-mannered. You will get the most out of meeting high-class escorts.
Booking an escort appointment
In-call and out-call escort services: You can meet an escort at their place or they will come to your home or hotel room. When visiting London or other UK cities on business or as a tourist you will be able to book the escort of your choice to fulfill your fantasy.
Search escort directory ads for the girl you want to meet. Whether a dinner date, trip to the theatre or special event you will be accommodated. Blonde, busty, or mistress. Whatever your thing. Young or mature escort, fetish or straight fantasy fulfillment.
Single gentleman, lady or couple looking for a threesome.
Other “sex-workers” in the sex industry work as strippers [pole and lap-dancers], a sugar baby or pornstar. An escort pornstar experience or “PSE” caters to this fantasy.
The sugar baby/daddy
This is not an arrangement based on time or sex. It is when someone with money helps someone less well off, in return for their company or companionship. It can be purely platonic or a “committed relationship” or anything in-between.
Working as a pornstar is basically being an actor or actresses in adult films
Here’s an interesting one for you. Julia Roberts was a hooker in the film “Pretty Woman“, but she is not a prostitute, she is an actress. Porn stars play the role of someone in a sexual situation. It’s not always for pleasure but to make a picture that is about pleasure. Get it? Good!
Working as a stripper, or to put a different spin on it an exotic dancer, of the sensual kind
This is the tease, the temptation, and the look, but not the touch!.
The difference between the two is not always easy to see or easy to explain because there are differing definitions. But here goes. Regular clients of escorts [or punters as they are known] often refer to themselves as “hobbyists”.
Strictly speaking, an escort is a companion who receives payment [“compensation”] for the time spent with her client. Her compensation is usually expressed as a “donation”. The punter agrees to pay a donation for an agreed-upon amount of time. There is no mention of sex. The cost of engaging in any kind of sex act is never mentioned or discussed. The entire arrangement is purely payment for the time spent together. What happens between two consenting adults during that time is between the two consenting adults. There is no mention of money in exchange for sex, or for engaging in a particular sex act at the point of booking an appointment.
London Escorts UK v. Prostitutes
A prostitute is someone who charges cash for sex. And I add this to the prostitute definition, who is also, or more often than not a streetwalker, who advertises herself by wearing sexually revealing clothing.
Now everybody knows that escorts are really charging for sex, but use the above definition to protect themselves from being arrested. Escorts are refined, cleaner, better educated, friendlier, and more expensive than a common prostitute. Hence high-class escorts; VIP escorts and premier escorts.
Blonde, BBW, Fetish
The word escort is often used as a euphemism for prostitute. That does not make its other meanings less valid. A prostitute is a girl who receives payment in exchange for sexual services rendered. Think of it as a legalistic umbrella term (although please remember, many prefer the term sex-worker for being more reflective of the reality of the work). Depending on where you are, escort or prostitute can have different meanings. One definition we’ve seen for “escort” is a prostitute, who does outcalls, i.e. she visits clients in their own home or arranges to meet them in their hotel room.
A prostitute is a derogatory term for a woman who sells sexual services for money. In some circles, it is a term used to describe [common] sex-workers. People who provide a standard sex service.
Escorts, on the other hand, are high-end sex workers. Girls who will provide more than just a simple handjob or f*ck. They are educated and cultured and provide [social] escort services, engage in conversation, and provide a GFE experience.
Because they provide such “extras” they usually command a much higher pay-grade.
Historically, society referred to such workers as courtesans. But people who put down the sex-trade will refer to all sex workers collectively as “prostitutes”.
Prostitution and Escorts
The core product is the same but the packaging is very different. Traditionally, prostitution was plain vanilla and offered limited choice beyond a sex quickie [handjob] of vaginal intercourse, while escorts are in a premier league of their own; a full menu of kinks and fetishes are available and catered for.
A prostitute is a low priced [cash-only] service. While an escort is a premium service with payment by credit card, cash or internet bank transfer options.
Where “it” happens is the key differentiating factor. With a prostitute the client, or punter, is in an outcall scenario – which means the client is on the prostitute’s patch. Whereas with an escort the client has an outcall option where the client visits the escort. In many countries, to find a prostitute will mean visiting an area called the “Red Light Districts”. It is possible to book an escort appointment by simply going online.
Prostitution relies heavily on word of mouth. Escorts promote themselves, feature in online escort directories and can register with an escort agency.
In many (most) cases it can be argued that there really is no significant difference between an escort and a prostitute – both accept money in return for having sex with strangers. Having you dice it and slice it that’s what it comes down to.
Escorts online
Girls [women] who brand themselves ‘escorts’ are ordered online (these days) and can charge much higher rates. Whereas ‘prostitutes’ usually station themselves in brothels or walk the streets waiting for men to hire their services.
It can be seen that escorts are prostitutes+ – one who may provide extra services beyond just sex.
Regardless of what some people might think, some men do employ social escorts for the purposes of escorting. This is particularly the case at high society events, many of the women seen on men’s arms are really social escorts.
Of course, it’s highly probable that AFTER the social events they have sex with their clients. Thus escorting is referred to as prostitution+.
Escorts also go on long trips with clients, whereas prostitutes typically are available for overnight bookings at most.
Escorts: High-class, VIP and Premier – Prostitutes: Cheaper Sex Workers Who Ply Their Trade on the Streets of Britain
What we’re getting round to saying is that a “prostitute” is anyone who exchanges money for sexual services.
The term “Hooker” by and large has a negative implication and usually refers to prostitutes who work on the streets. The implication of the term hooker often implies a link with diseases, drugs, and pimps.
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“Escort” is kind of the opposite of “hooker”. It generally refers to a more expensive, higher class of girl that works via an escort service rather than from the streets. They may work for an agency, as opposed to a pimp.
The word “Whore” is a critical word that supposedly means the same as a prostitute, but is often used interchangeably with “slut” as an insult.
Let’s clear this up. The term “Sex worker” is the contemporary catch-all term for people who sell sex among academics and activists. These days it encompasses porn performers as well as prostitutes.
Prostitute refers to girls who are set up in a brothel, hotel room, window room, or street corner. They offer a simple sex service. They do not engage in meaningful conversations with their clients [or Johns].
Escorts are higher skilled level prostitutes. More attractive. Better dressed. And able to converse intelligently. In a way, they are similar to Geishas.
BBW Escorts are available to book
Escorts charge for their time which may or may not include sex as part of the arrangement. They are usually better in their social skills than a prostitute. Attractive girls are frequently hired to attend social events with their clients; acting as their “escort”.
Escorts always command a higher fee.
Differing opinions
Many “uninformed” people believe that escorting and prostitution are synonymous and the only difference is that some ladies don’t like admitting they are being paid for sex.
Being paid for sex includes any act in which a person’s erogenous zones or genitals are being touched in any way, naked or clothed, in return for money.
It does NOT mean full intercourse
Therefore if a man goes for a massage and the girl asks him if he wants a Happy Ending and this does not involve being paid extra – but results in the man returning for a repeat session, then what happened is prostitution.
Prostitute: You come to me, you give me money, I give you sex. Cheap, but you get what you pay for.
Escort: You come to [website], you agree to meet me somewhere, you give me money, I give you sex. Not so cheap and you’re probably paying too much.
Escort: You and I discuss options, you give me money (sometimes on a schedule, sometimes upon each meeting), I give you an experience that might include sex. Usually expensive but if you have to ask the price, you probably can’t afford it.
Strictly speaking, escorts are not prostitutes as they do not offer sex they sell their time and companionship. Therefore, under this definition, escort services are legal more or less all over the world while countries might have laws against prostitution. Dependant on the service, an escort may openly state that she will engage in sexual activity.
Courtesans – modern-day geishas
Escorts are strictly speaking like modern-day geishas. Ladies sell their time and companionship to punters.
Prostitutes sell sexual services of their own.
The reason some people think that prostitutes and escorts are the same could be because that in the past, in some countries, some people misuse the word escorts as a cover for prostitutes, and that is why over decades, some people think it means the same thing when in reality, it doesn’t. The exact definitions can vary from country to country based on the individual country’s laws.
A concise definition to end on. An escort [in the context of this article] is a lady who is paid for her time only, yet often compared to being a prostitute.
Technically speaking, escorts are NOT paid to have sex they are paid for their time and company. What an escort and her client do when together is their business which could, in fact, involve sex.
Adult blog: London Escorts v. Paying a Prostitute by Emma Valasco.
The differences between booking an escort – high-class VIP girl – and meeting a common prostitute for sex. One you have to book an appointment and pay for her time and companionship – the other you can pick up on the street for quickie sex. This is an over-simplistic view but you get the idea.
Search Emma’s sex relationship blogs.
Adults looking for sex.